unposted pics

More football ‘cus I got nothin’!

I have been chasing my tail in circles since Thursday so I can’t even think of anything coherent to write about-but here ya go…love this song and the video will have you grabbin’ for the tissues!

ooohhh yummy!!!

I made the most yummy thing yesterday: CHEESE SLAW!!!

It was delicious so I decided to share the recipe with you.  It’s kind of like pimento cheese only slightly less processed and way less goopy. Not that I don’t love pimento cheese. Really I do. It’s all pimento-y and cheesy, what’s not to love?

Back to the cheese slaw.  You need:

1 pound shredded cheese (I used jack and cheddar blend)
1 bunch green onions with tops, chopped
1/2 cup chopped mild banana peppers
1/2 cup chopped jalapeno peppers(optional)
enough mayonaise to bind the ingredients together

Mix the first four ingredients together then add the mayo.  Yummy!!!

You can eat it on a sandwich or spread it on crackers.

And for those of you who actually read my rambling yesterday-they cancelled the scrimmages at the other school.  I suspect that the other team’s field was so wet that they were afraid it would ruin it!  Stay tuned, Saturday is the jamboree!

Un stinky smell and une question

I have a stinky smell in my house.  Lullibell says it smells something like the dead squirrel on the playground when she was in second grade.  She went on to describe the smell as kind of a sicky sweet smell…Nice, right?  The weird thing about it is that it is only in the closet where I keep the sheets-the hallway linen closet.  So far it only affects the closet, not the laundry itself but I think  it might be pressing that I clean out the closet and take out everything until I can put some bleach and baking soda in there–hopefully something will absorb the smell!


On a different note-I am able to get a new phone next week.  I thought I wanted a droid but I am not sure now.  I mean an iPhone would be cool.  Even a new blackberry.  I just don’t know.  The new blackberry would be the easiest transition because that is what I have now…but the apps for the iPhone and droid are very tempting.

Anybody have any thoughts on the sitch?

One more thing-Bubba has his first football scrimmage today.  The Mites scrimmaged the Mighty Mites a little bit last night but this is his first time against a real opponent…EXCITING!!!  GO BULLDOGS!!!

Friday football pics

Bubba has his football picrures today.  It ought to be fun considering that his jersey really doesn’t fit.

I don’t mean tight…I mean it really is too small.

It took me ten minutes to wrestle his shoulder pads into it last night.  Then his daddy had to come over and help him cram himself into it.

After which he cold move his arms but the amount of chafing he would have gotten under his arms from those elasticized sleeves….yeeeoooouuuch!

So-short post today but  I am trying to stay in the habit of posting so, here ya go…I think I’ll try a video too!  Or not!  How about a pic of the oby getting his too small jersey!

Readin’…ritin’…and reeoowwwrrr…

The monsters took their reading placement tests today.  Apparently the lady was kind of shocked.  Bubba scored in the 4th grade range.  Lullibell tested at the highest fifth grade range in less than ten minutes…I think this might make it difficult for them to place them in a class to challenge them.  The current reading choices in the monster realm right now are, for Bubba-Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief, and for Lullibell-well, honestly she just finished the third book in the Guardians of Ga’Hoole series and she has finished all of the books that I bought for her at the beginning of the summer.  I think I need to join some kind of book exchange or something for her.

The cool thing about Lullbell today was that she told me she was REALLY excited about the first day of school this year.  This is really not like her.  I am not sure what this means except maybe she is tired of being home with me all day.

My summer reading has hit a stall.  I am trying to finish all of the Inkheart books.  I have not enjoyed them immensely.  They are tedious to read, sad and altogether cumbersome to carry around.  I miss the days of spending the whole summer reading everything I could by, oh I don’t know, Stephen King or something!  Not sure why I chose these tomes to bog down my summer but I think it had something to do with watching fifth graders check them out and actually read them that made me think it would be a cinch!

And now for the catty part of my post.  Why can’t people just be happy for each other and just move on?  I mean, when somebody has been struggling to find a job for almost a year and they finally get one why can’t people be excited for them, let them do their job and not covet what they have to the point of making them miserable?

Here is my advice for the one being tormented.  Do your job.  Be the best you can at your job.  Let the other people fall on their faces because they are more obvious than you think-people will see them for what they are and you will look better for it in the long run.  Don’t go out of your way to spend time with these idiots.  And don’t expend any energy in thinking about what they think about you!

A Haircut…and grounded AGAIN!

I took Bubba to get a haircut today.  This is one of those things I hate about moving-finding someone to cut that boys hair…he has more crowns and cowlicks than a Dairy Queen!  We went to one place and read the signs on the door before we went in…turns out it was a place where they do “ethnic hair”…I didn’t figure he needed a new weave or braids so we looked for another place.

When we pulled up in front Bubba saw the barber pole and decided this was the place for him.  I thought we were in the right place too.  The owner was Korean with very little English!  I had to show him a picture of the haircut we wanted which scared the bajeezus out of me!  But He gave Bubba a great haircut and Bubba declared him a “really nice guy” on the way out the door.

After that we came home and worked around the house some and the kids got in the pool…where they fought the whole time.  Then the monsters went for a bike ride…and fought the whole time.  Later I asked them to gather all of the trash up from the small room cans….and they fought the whole time!  With the use of the term of endearment “shut up”   they earned some time at their newest and seemingly fairly effective punishment-sitting at the kitchen table with the book they are reading at the moment and a notebook and pencil.  While this doesn’t really sound like much of a punishment it works pretty well because of the location…they can’t curl up and read/write and they can’t watch tv, listen to music, or play a video game at their leisure…which thoroughly ticks them off.  So far so good!

Boys like to get new clothes too!

Momma and I took Bubba shopping today.  He likes shopping for clothes about a bazillion times more than Lullibell.  We bought him a bunch of new shirts and shorts which he wouldn’t even consider letting us choose for him except to find his size!  I think the most important thing to find were a new pair of camo shorts…but he also liked the burgundy cargo plaid ones an awful lot too.  We also found him a new pair of oopaloompa/kulot shorts—which he loved and refused to leave the store without!

On an even more humorous note-last night he tried to curse at me…which didn’t turn out so well for him for the obvious reason that good southern boys don’t cuss at their momma’s because daddy was gonna whup him and for the not so obvious reason—the boy has no experience using cuss words so it came out as, “you fuss at me to go to bed every…(long thoughtful pause)…Hell day!!!”

How you like your salsa? HOT HOT HOT

Momma and I got back to my house last night.  We hit the ground running this morning!

Mom made 3 quarts and 2 pints of salsa!  And I continued with my schedule of cleaning to be a better house keeper.  Laundry is about to get the better of me! I still think they are trying to wear every stitch of clothing they own!  PLUS, I got out my fix it and forget it cookbook and made saucy porkchops.  We’ll have those with some of daddy’s corn for dinner after football practice tonight.  Just gotta wiat for it to get shady on the backporch so we can shuck it!

Silent Sunday