The monsters took their reading placement tests today.  Apparently the lady was kind of shocked.  Bubba scored in the 4th grade range.  Lullibell tested at the highest fifth grade range in less than ten minutes…I think this might make it difficult for them to place them in a class to challenge them.  The current reading choices in the monster realm right now are, for Bubba-Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief, and for Lullibell-well, honestly she just finished the third book in the Guardians of Ga’Hoole series and she has finished all of the books that I bought for her at the beginning of the summer.  I think I need to join some kind of book exchange or something for her.

The cool thing about Lullbell today was that she told me she was REALLY excited about the first day of school this year.  This is really not like her.  I am not sure what this means except maybe she is tired of being home with me all day.

My summer reading has hit a stall.  I am trying to finish all of the Inkheart books.  I have not enjoyed them immensely.  They are tedious to read, sad and altogether cumbersome to carry around.  I miss the days of spending the whole summer reading everything I could by, oh I don’t know, Stephen King or something!  Not sure why I chose these tomes to bog down my summer but I think it had something to do with watching fifth graders check them out and actually read them that made me think it would be a cinch!

And now for the catty part of my post.  Why can’t people just be happy for each other and just move on?  I mean, when somebody has been struggling to find a job for almost a year and they finally get one why can’t people be excited for them, let them do their job and not covet what they have to the point of making them miserable?

Here is my advice for the one being tormented.  Do your job.  Be the best you can at your job.  Let the other people fall on their faces because they are more obvious than you think-people will see them for what they are and you will look better for it in the long run.  Don’t go out of your way to spend time with these idiots.  And don’t expend any energy in thinking about what they think about you!