
This morning when I got up to check my email I had a note from Jenn over at Learning to Walk In Stilettos. She gave me the “you make my day award”.

I love blogging because I get to meet all sorts of fun people all over the world and read all kinds of cool things they write. I enjoy Jenn’s blog because we have a lot in common, what with the knitting and Harry and cool shoes, and I also enjoy her adventurous spirit!

Thanks again Jenn!!!

The rules of this award are as follows:

“Give the award to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blogland. Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Beware you may get the award several times.”

I don’t know if I can come up with 10 but here goes.

  1. Faboomama, the mama has the music, the politics and the kiddos. I still say we could have our retirement wrapped up in the kiddie music group our monsters could make together!
  2. Sean the blogonaut for keeping me thinking!
  3. Shannon and the Rocky Mountain Fighting Tigers for her wit and friendship and vanity!
  4. Yogamum over at yoga gumbo, your positive attitude has really helped me out recently!
  5. Psychodiva Your art has been very cool to explore. I would like to leave a comment sometimes but don’t really want another account out there!
  6. Poodles Lullibell asks me to check on little Tweak every day.
  7. Fiery I am glad your hiatus from blogging was temporary!

So there you have it. My list of where my time goes during the day! There were a few other people I would like to mention that were given the award over at Jenn’s. transplantingme, Ruth over at Mary and Bob’s, Notgoth, and Nadine are all tops on my list of things to do with my reading time!!!